Artikelen over algemene plantverzorging en -vermeerdering, leuke plantevenementen en andere plantgerelateerde zaken die ik niet kan plaatsen op de andere pagina's :-)
Sommige mensen zien alleen groen als ze naar een plant kijken. Maar er is zoveel meer! Hoe dieper je in deze groene wereld duikt, hoe meer je versteld staat. Ik vind het leuk om die mooie dingen vast te leggen op foto's en in artikelen. Ik deel ze graag met jou!
π Purple rain, purple rain π (π¬π§π)
Wat is jouw lievelingskleur? De mijne zou misschien groen moeten zijn. Is ook zeker mooi, maar paars en rood winnen het toch. Dus vind ik het supervet dat ik deze Senecio herreianus "stek" (zeg maar gewoon plant) van Linda @groenepassies heb gekregen. Wanneer hij minder water krijgt, worden de stengels paars en de blaadjes krijgen ook een paarse gloed. Reken dus maar dat deze niet veel te drinken krijgt π
π¬π§ What's your favourite colour? I really like purple (some people still have nightmares of the photos I sent them of my student room... right @thistlegrass ?) and the nice thing about this Senecio herreianus is that the stem becomes purple when it's thirsty. Needless to say, this plant will yearn for water a lot π
π±πΈ Othonno capensis (vaak foutief Senecio herreianus genoemd)
Ben jij team #indewar of team #uitdewar? (π¬π§π)
Hartstikke leuk plantje, nog leukere bloemen, maar je moet er tegen kunnen... Het viel niet mee dit plantje uit de war te houden. Het was dus een klein beetje een opluchting toen het dood ging. En vervolgens vond ik het jammer dat ik 'm niet meer had... Gelukkig onlangs weer een leuke stek gekregen van Linda @groenepassies π
N.B. De pot is van @pieceofclay π
π¬π§ Are you team #untangle or team #tangle ? I'm in the first so this plant caused me quite some stress π However, when I died I kinda misssed it so I'm very happy with the new cutting I got from Linda! Pot comes from @pieceofclay
π±πΈ Chinees lantaarnplantje - Ceropegia woodii
Caudexplanten! (π¬π§π)
Planten met een houtige knol die vaak boven de grond worden opgepot. Dat ziet er lekker vreemd uit en we houden van #wonderfulweirdplants , toch?? π Dat we de helft van het jaar tegen die kale knol aankijken omdat het ding in winterrust gaat, dat nemen we maar even voor lief... Of ga jij alleen voor 'evergreens'?
Lees meer over caudexplanten in mijn artikel: (link website in bio)
π¬π§ Caudex plants have a woody tuber which is often potted up above ground to create true #wonderfulweirdplants ! Downside is, since a lot of those plants go dormant, we are looking at a bold tuber a few months a year... I don't care, do you?
Learn more about caudex plants in my article: (link website in bio)
π±πΈ Firmiana colorata
Inspirational quotes: yay or nay? (π¬π§π)
Ik ben er zelf niet zo'n fan van, maar dit is wel een goede reminder die ik af en toe moet zien. Met mijn planten gaat dat gelukkig goed: ze zien er zelden perfect uit, maar ze zijn allemaal op hun eigen manier interessant. Zoals deze. Je denkt misschien dat de blaadjes nog moeten ontrollen, of dat er iets anders vreemds aan de hand is, maar nee: dit is nou eenmaal hoe ze eruit zien!
π¬π§ I'm not a big fan, but this one does apply to me very well. With plants, I am very good at it: I don't have a lot of perfect plants, but all of them are interesting! And that's what I love about them. For instance, the leaves of this weirdo are supposed to look like this!
π±πΈ Epipremnum shangri-la
πAeonium 'Sunburst' π (π¬π§π)
De naam 'aeonium' komt van het oude Griekse woord 'aiΕnios' wat aanhoudend of eeuwig betekent. Dat komt omdat ze hun bladeren niet verliezen. Veel (vet)planten echter niet, maar ik denk dat de Grieken die nog niet hadden gevonden π
π¬π§ The name 'aeonium' comes from the ancient greek word 'aiΕnios' which means persistent or eternal. That's because they don't loose their leaves. Many plants don't, though, but I guess the Greeks hadn't found them yet π
π±πΈ Aeonium 'Sunburst'
πΈ Nimmaflowers πΈ (π¬π§π)
Momenteel staat het hier langs de Waal vol met Zeepkruid. Op de achtergrond zie je nog net de waalbrug. Zeepkruid is een mooie en oersterke inheemse plant waar veel hommels op vliegen én, jaja, kolibrievlinders! Of in ieder geval toch één, negenhoog op mijn eigen dakterras (helaas geen foto). #hartvoorinheems
π¬π§ Common soapwort on the banks of the river Waal! Lots of bumblebees enjoy the flowers, and also at least 1 hummingbird hawk-moth that I saw on my own Common soapwort.
πΈπΈ Zeepkruid / Common soapwort - Saponaria officinalis
(Mijn eigen Zeepkruid komt uiteraard van @nlbloeit !)
πΈ Wilde cichorei - Cichorium intybus
#hartvoorinheems (π¬π§π)
Deze blauwe beauty wordt ook wel de Wegenwachter genoemd, omdat ze vaak bloeit in bermen. Als je deze plant in de tuin gaat zetten, is het belangrijk dat ze ochtendzon krijgt: de bloemen gaan 's ochtends open en verwelken 's middags alweer. Bijen en andere bestuivers hebben warmte nodig om te vliegen dus zoeken 's ochtends geen schaduwplek op natuurlijk!
π Wil jij ook meer inheemse planten in je tuin of op je balkon?
- Online gifvrije planten bij @kwekerijdeheliant
- Bezoek een open dag van de kwekerij van Stichting @nlbloeit
- Zaadjes bij @cruydthoeck
- De @bijenstichting verkoopt zadenmengsels met daarin ook Wilde cichorei
π¬π§: in Dutch this plant is also called 'roadman' or 'road assister' since it's growing a lot near the road. Its flowers bloom only in the morning: they are already withering in the afternoon!
πΈπΈ Wilde cichorei - Cichorium intybus
π€ Conservator van m'n kasjes (π¬π§π)
Ik ben dol op kasjes. Niet alleen omdat het er leuk uit ziet, maar ook omdat het makkelijk is: je hoeft de planten veel minder vaak water te geven! En deze drie van @planttoolsnl staan superleuk op de oude dekenkist van mijn oma π
Let er bij een kasje wel altijd op of er luchtcirculatie is en zo nee, kies dan voor planten die daar tegen kunnen.
π¬π§ I love little greenhouses! Not just because they look nice, also because it saves a lot of watering. These 3 are from @planttoolsnl .
Be aware that not all plants are happy under a closed dome! Some definitely need air circulation, like orchids.
π±πΈ Onder: Anthurium clarinervium (seedlings) - Rechts: Begonia dracopelta - Links: Krulvaren
"Nice camouflage, man. For a minute there, I almost didn't see you" (π¬π§π) β
Aan deze quote moet ik dus altijd denken als ik een dergelijk patroon zie π€β
Dit is de laatste plant die ik gekocht heb bij plantenwinkel @bleshyou . Niet omdat ik stop met planten (HAHA), maar omdat Bleshyou is gestopt. Er zijn veel leuke plantenwinkels in Nederland, maar Bleshyou was zonder twijfel de leukste! Boordenvol superleuke planten, een plantenasiel en plantjes van hobby-kwekers. Maar... plantenwinkel Bleshyou is misschien wel gestopt, @bleshyou zelf is er nog en er komt vast weer iets heel leuks over een tijdje, Ilse kennende!β
π¬π§ I'm always thinking of this quote when I see a pattern like this. This is the last plant I bought at plant store @bleshyou . Not because I quit plants (you didn't actually think that right??) but because this lovely plant shop closed. Such a pity!β
π±πΈ Schismatoglottis
"Je hebt zo'n expressief gezicht, je zou acteur kunnen worden". (π¬π§π)
Aldus de fotograaf. En een paar maanden later sta je op deze manier in een landelijk tijdschrift. Met je expressieve hoofd.
Charmant is anders, maar ik had er veel te veel plezier in om me daar druk over te maken π€ @rogiervanvugt en ik hebben nieuwe foto's gemaakt voor onze komende artikelen in duurzaam tuintijdschrift @gardenersworldnl . En een tipje van de sluier: er komen nog veel meer "expressieve" foto'sπ
π¬π§ "You have such an expressive face, you could be an actor" said the photographer. And there I am, in a national magazine... And there's more to comeπ
π±πΈ Begonias
Foto gemaakt door Petra Sonius
#plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #plantstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #idrinkandigrowthings #crazyplantlady #botanicalpickmeup #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantenabler #plantaholics
𧑠Oranje havikskruid 𧑠#hartvoorinheems (π¬π§π)
Ik ben geen Oranje-fan, maar de kleur van deze inheemse topper is zo spetterend! Waar het Bochtig havikskruid al een hele tijd bloeit en allerlei solitaire bijen aantrekt, zie ik nu pas het allereerste oranje vlekje in de gele zee.
Een hartstikke makkelijk plantje dat goed tegen veel zon en weinig water kan. Best handig deze dagen π
π¬π§ This is the first flower of the year from my Orange hawk bit. It's very easy to care for: it enjoys full sun and can handle some drought. A good thing, given these hot days lately!
π±πΈ Oranje havikskruid/ Orange hawk bit - Hieracium aurantiacum van @nlbloeit
#wildeplanten #wildaboutwildflowers #wildplants #wildebloemen #inheemseplanten #inheemsebloemen #inheems #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #plantstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #idrinkandigrowthings #crazyplantlady #botanicalpickmeup
(π¬π§π) Ik ben niet de beste vrienden met caladiums. Nadat mijn vriend de eerste opgegraven knollen had weggegooid (per ongeluk, beweerde hij....), had ik het jaar erop nieuwe knollen gekocht. Die waren bij opgraven vermeerderd, maar ook gekrompen, zo leek het. De mooie volle bossen zoals je soms ziet, zo kreeg ik ze nooit. De enige die me nooit teleurstelde was deze mini-caladium. Die groef ik dan ook niet op, maar liet ik in een warm kasje met groeilamp overwinteren. Maar... as we speak heb ik nog geen nieuw blad ontdekt dus ik begin nerveus te worden! Hoe is jouw verhouding met caladiums?
π¬π§ Me & caladiums are not the best combo! First, my bf threw the dug up bulbs out (accidentily, so he says....). New bulbs were planted and multiplied, but came out very, very small. I've never had those gorgeous bushes as you so often see. Except this small one! I never dig it up, I keep it in a well lit small greenhouse. However, up till now, no new leaf has appeared so I'm getting nervous.... How are you with caladiums?
π±πΈ Caladium red hybrid van @arapisarda
#caladium #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #plantstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #idrinkandigrowthings #crazyplantlady #botanicalpickmeup #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #urbanjunglebloggers #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #house_plant_communit
πΈ Zandblauwtje πΈ
#hartvoorinheems (Englishπ)
Dit mooie plantje wordt 10-45cm hoog en trekt naast een hele lijst solitaire bijen ook veel vlinders en kevers aan. Hoewel ze in eerste instantie doet denken aan een composiet, behoort het Zandblauwtje tot de klokjesfamilie. Ze is een- of meerjarig en zaait doorgaans makkelijk uit.
π Wil je ook meer inheemse planten in je tuin of op je balkon?
- Ga naar een open dag van de kwekerij van Stichting @nlbloeit
- Bestel online bij @kwekerijdeheliant
- Bestel zaad bij @cruydthoeck
English: Sheep's-bit grows to a height of 10-45 cm and, in addition to a whole list of solitary bees, also attracts many butterflies and beetles. Although it is initially reminiscent of a composite, the Sheep's-bit belongs to the bellflower family. It is an annual or perennial and usually propagates itself easily by seed.
πΈπΈ Zandblauwtje - Jasione montana
#wildeplanten #bijentuin #wildebloemen #bloementuin #spreadtheloveforflowers #spreadnaturelove #inheemsebloemen #tuininspiratie #sharingbeauty #reddewildebij #bloemenfotografie #biodiversity #bijenplanten #inheemseplanten #macrogardener #makrofotografie #plantcloseup #plantphotography #botanicphotography #botanicalphotography #samenvoormeerbiodiversiteit #wildflowersofinstagram #bloemen #wildforwildflowers
(π¬π§π) Zie 'm staan in het mooie potje van @pieceofclay π De pannenkoekplant doet het erg goed buiten, in de zomer en een gedeelte van de herfst! De grotere variant van deze had een beschut plekje op het balkon en groeide als kool. Aan het eind van de zomer ging 'ie ook bloeien, dat heb ik binnen nog nooit gehad.
Zet jij kamerplanten buiten in de zomer? Zo ja, welke?
π¬π§ I've kept a pancake plant outside during summer and autumn and it seemed very happy about that! Do you put indoor plants outside during summer? If so, which one(s)?
π±πΈ Pannenkoekplant / Pancake plant - Pilea pereomioides
#pilea #pileapeperomiodes #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #plantstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #idrinkandigrowthings #crazyplantlady #botanicalpickmeup #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #urbanjunglebloggers #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #house_plant_community
"The centaur of attention" π€£
Heerlijke humor, die van @gemmacorrell π€£ En een oude foto van deze hoya-stek van @creakarts , want ondertussen is het een complete plant!
π¬π§ This card is from @gemmacorrell , she has many funny drawings, check out her feed!
This is quite an old picture: I got this hoya cutting from @botaniquegreen.home and right now, it is a proper plant. A very fast grower, very easy, but unfortunately no flowers yet.
π±πΈ Fishtail hoya - Hoya polyneura
#hoya #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #plantstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #idrinkandigrowthings #crazyplantlady #botanicalpickmeup #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #urbanjunglebloggers #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #house_plant_community
(π¬π§π) "Kletsen over cactussen". Rogier en ik staan weer in tuintijdschrift Gardeners' World @gardenersworldnl en mocht je het je afvragen: die geniale titels van onze stukken verzinnen wij niet zelf! "Euforie over Euphorbia" was ook al zo'n mooi allitererende en ook die van mei belooft weer wat... Ik ben opgegroeid met Suske & Wiske dus ik hou er wel van. Over welke planten zouden we het moeten gaan hebben om ze het lekker moeilijk te maken? π
Het nieuwste tijdschrift ligt nu in de winkel!
π¬π§ "Chatting about cacti". Rogier @rogiervanvugt and I are in Gardeners' World magazine again and in case you're wondering: no, we don't come up with the titles ourselves! "Euphoria over Euphorbia" was another example of their fondness of alliteration. What plants should we cover in the future to make their alliteration habit a bit more difficult? π
π΅πΈ Schoonmoedersstoel/mother-in-law's cushion - Echinocactus grusonii
#plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #plantstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #idrinkandigrowthings #crazyplantlady #botanicalpickmeup #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantenabler #plantaholics
Like butterflies! In order to see the 'marmer' effect in the leaves, it's important not to give it too much (direct) light. Weirdly enough, with a little less light, the pattern becomes more visible.
By the way, check the back of the leaves! That's also pretty to see π
π±πΈ Oxalis triangularis 'marmer'
#greenhome #mywildernis #instaplant #greenspace #plantsarefriends #greenthumb #plantaddict #jungalow #letitgrow #indoorjungle #greenyourfeed #livingwithplants #plantlover #plantas #indoorgarden #plantenabler #plantlife #greenisthenewblack #apartmenttherapy #greenery #indoorgarden #plantcollector #plantparenthood #plantstyling #happyplants #talkplantytome #plantsarefriends #plantcollection #soiledplanties
πΈ Oranje havikskruid
#hartvoorinheems (Englishπ)
Deze composiet bloeit van juli t/m september, wordt 30 tot 60cm hoog en heeft graag een plek op het zuiden. Verder is de plant niet kieskeurig, al groeit ze een stuk harder bij een voedselrijke bodem. Kan prima in de tuin dus!
π Wil jij ook meer inheemse planten in je tuin of op je balkon?
- Gifvrije planten online te koop bij @kwekerijdeheliant
- Bezoek een open dag van de kwekerij van Stichting @nlbloeit
- Gifvrije zaadjes bij @cruydthoeck
English: this composite flowers from July to September, grows to a height of 30 to 60 cm and prefers a south-facing position. Furthermore, the plant is not picky, although it grows a lot faster with a nutrient-rich soil.
πΈπΈ Oranje havikskruid - Pilosella aurantiaca
#wildeplanten #bijentuin #wildebloemen #bloementuin #spreadtheloveforflowers #spreadnaturelove #inheemsebloemen #tuininspiratie #sharingbeauty #reddewildebij #bloemenfotografie #biodiversity #bijenplanten #inheemseplanten #macrogardener #makrofotografie #plantcloseup #plantphotography #botanicphotography #botanicalphotography #samenvoormeerbiodiversiteit #wildflowersofinstagram #bloemen #wildforwildflowers
And this is what happens if you leave a succulent leaf alone: a new plant is growing at the base. First the roots, then the plant. Slowly, the old leaf will shrink and then it's time to give the tiny plant some water. Pot it up or spray some water on the roots and that's it.
Check out my article about succulents in Gardeners' World together with @rogiervanvugt , link in bio!
π±πΈ Echeveria
#echeveria #echeverias #minisucculents #succulents #succulent #succulentsofinstagram #lovesucculents #succulentlove #suculentas #succulove #amazingsucculents #succulente #succulentaddict #instasuculentas #succulentporn #fatplant #succulenthoarder #succulentfanatic #insanesucculents #succulentobsession #succulents_only #succulentjunkie #suckerforsucculents #succulentplants #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #iamaplanthoarder #plantaholics #plantsofinstagram
The plants in "Burger's Bush" are really nice, and so are the animals. These little creatures are easily overlooked but definitely worth noticing.
ππΈ Small animals in @burgerszoo
#greenhome #mywildernis #instaplant #greenspace #plantsarefriends #greenthumb #plantaddict #jungalow #letitgrow #indoorjungle #greenyourfeed #livingwithplants #plantlover #plantas #indoorgarden #plantenabler #plantlife #greenisthenewblack #apartmenttherapy #greenery #indoorgarden #plantcollector #plantparenthood #plantstyling #happyplants #talkplantytome #plantsarefriends #plantcollection #soiledplanties
Do you listen to podcasts? What's your favorite?
I like podcasts, but I always want to start at the beginning. So when it's not a 'story' but a news-like podcast, that can be a bit weird. I started listening a Dutch science-podcast called Hairless Apes (Onbehaarde Apen van @nrcnl ) and I've just arrived at the point where the coronavirus is discovered in China. It's sort of fun to hear them say things like 'maybe the pandemic is already over when a vaccine is available' HAHAHA. It feels a bit as if I'm traveling back in time. π
Thank you @botaniquegreen.home for this cute cutting π
π±πΈ Hoya carnosa krimson queen
#greenhome #mywildernis #instaplant #greenspace #plantsarefriends #greenthumb #plantaddict #jungalow #letitgrow #plantlife #greenisthenewblack #apartmenttherapy #greenery #plantcollector #plantparenthood #plantstyling #happyplants #talkplantytome #plantsarefriends #plantcollection #nimmaplants #waxplant #thehoyacollective @thehoyacollective #hoyadayeveryday #ahoyaaday #hoyahead #myhoyaheaven #hoyadoing
A wild one! This 'glass haworthia' can be found in many plant stores, but it's always the cultivated one. Mine is actually a 'wild one', a pup from a Haworthia retrieved in the wild. It's growing slowly, but I think I see pups growing on the sidesπ₯° So maybe I can make someone happy with a wild one in a while!
π±πΈ Haworthia cooperi
#haworthia #haworthiacooperi #minisucculents #succulents #succulent #succulentsofinstagram #lovesucculents #succulentlove #suculentas #succulove #amazingsucculents #succulente #succulentaddict #instasuculentas #succulentporn #fatplant #succulenthoarder #succulentfanatic #sukulent #insanesucculents #succulentobsession #succulents_only #succulentjunkie #suckerforsucculents #succulentplants #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #iamaplanthoarder #plantaholics
Aeonium! This is the name of a genus, I believe there are about 40 species. They are easily hybridized so I guess by now, many more are available. Like this one! Though they are succulents, they need a bit more water, at least in the living room. It's normal though that the lower leaves fall off. The nice thing is that it's starting to look like flowers on a stem π
π±πΈ Aeonium 'Sunburst'
#aeonium #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #plantstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #idrinkandigrowthings #crazyplantlady #botanicalpickmeup #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #urbanjunglebloggers #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #house_plant_community
A close up shows you the pinlike leaves of this Asparagus fern. You might wonder how on earth this 'fern' is still alive in my hands. Well, it's in a self-watering pot, muhahahaha!
π±πΈ Asparagus fern - Asparagus setaceus
#asparagus #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #plantstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #idrinkandigrowthings #crazyplantlady #botanicalpickmeup #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #urbanjunglebloggers #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #house_plant_community
One year old seedling of Dioscorea elephantipes! You can already see a little caudex forming (woody bulb), swipe to see it. It does not yet have the distinctive 'turtle shell' pattern. Sowing takes patience, but it is fantastic to see the progress, especially with caudex plants!
Check out my article on these wonderful weirdos! Link in bio ("Wonderful weird plants").
π±πΈ Dioscorea elephantipes
#dioscorea #dioscoreaelephantipes #caudex #caudexplants #caudiciform #caudexlicious #fatplant #caudexlicious #caudexlove #caudexlover #caudexmania #caudexaddict #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #mywildernis #weirdplant #weirdplants #unusualplants #rareplants #weirdnature #plantaddict #jungalow #succulove #amazingsucculents #succulentaddict #instasuculentas #succulentporn #fatplant #succulenthoarder
πΈ Dagkoekoeksbloem πΈ
#hartvoorinheems (Englishπ)
Het verschil tussen de Dagkoekoeksbloem en de Avondkoekoeksbloem? De kleur inderdaad, maar ook: de Avondkoekoeksbloem houdt haar bloemen overdag dicht en rolt deze pas uit in de avond, als het koeler wordt. De roze bloemen van de Dagkoekoeksbloem staan overdag gewoon open, zoals je op de foto ziet!
Het is een prachtige, meerjarige plant die van april tot oktober bloeit. Heel mooi dus voor in je siertuin én voor de bijen! Het is tevens heel makkelijk om het zaad ervan te verzamelen, voor als je nog méér van deze plant wil π
π Wil jij meer inheemse planten in je tuin of op je balkon?
- Ga naar een open dag van de kwekerij van Stichting @nlbloeit
- Bestel online bij @kwekerijdeheliant
- Bestel zaad bij @cruydthoeck
English: The difference between Red campion and white campion? Yes, the color, but also: the White campion keeps its flowers closed during the day and only unrolls them in the evening, when it gets cooler. The flowers of the Red campion are open during the day, as you can see in the photo!
πΈπΈ Dagkoekoeksbloem - Silene dioica
#bijenstichting #dagkoekoeksbloem #silene #silenedioica #wildeplanten #bijentuin #wildebloemen #bloementuin #spreadtheloveforflowers #spreadnaturelove #inheemsebloemen #tuininspiratie #sharingbeauty #reddewildebij #bloemenfotografie #biodiversity #bijenplanten #inheemseplanten #macrogardener #makrofotografie #plantcloseup #plantphotography #botanicphotography #botanicalphotography #samenvoormeerbiodiversiteit #wildflowersofinstagram #bloemen #wildforwildflowers
Succulents are very diverse and even within a genus you see a lot of differences, for instant in the genus Crassula. Most of you will know Crassula ovata or Jade plant (Dutch: geldboom, dikblad of apebroodboom) however, this one is a crassula as well! Its common name is Jade necklace vine and you can see why: the leaves look like they have been laced like beads.
Check out my article about succulents! Link in bio, Gardeners' World articles.
π±πΈ Crassula marnieriana 'Hottentot'
#crassula #minisucculents #succulents #succulent #succulentsofinstagram #lovesucculents #succulentlove #suculentas #succulove #amazingsucculents #succulente #succulentaddict #instasuculentas #succulentporn #fatplant #succulenthoarder #succulentfanatic #sukulent #insanesucculents #succulentobsession #succulents_only #succulentjunkie #suckerforsucculents #succulentplants #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #iamaplanthoarder #plantaholics #plantsofinstagram
Contrary to the well known Phalaenopsis, jewel orchids are not kept for their flowers but for their foliage. You can see why! I got this one as a cutting from @rogiervanvugt and it's doing very well in this tiny greenhouse. It's still in just spaghnum and I hardly ever water it.
What do you prefer: orchid flowers or orchid foliage like this?
π±πΈ Jewel orchid Macodes petola
#macodes #macodespetola #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantenabler #plantaholics #orchidea #orchideas #orchidshare #orchidlover #orchidbloom #orchidflower #orchidlovers #orchidhybrid #orchidstagram #orchids #orchid
Another cool caudex plant: Desert rose (Woestijnroos)! I grew this one from seed. If you swipe, you see what it looked like earlier. I don't think I'm very good at keeping a Desert rose since it's losing its leaves all the time... I know I should water it a bit more but hey, it's a caudex plant right? Use that caudex! π
π±πΈ Desert rose - Adenium obesum
#oxalis #oxalistriangularis #timelapse #timelapsevideo #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantenabler #plantaholics
Hawaiian palm, also a caudex plant! Caudex plants have a thick stem or wooden bulb, the caudex, in which they store water. They are often potted with the bulb partly above ground, which makes them look very funny. In this case, it's the stem that's thickening, so this is its normal look. Fantastic little tree, right?
π±πΈ Brighamia insignes
#brighmamia #caudexplants #caudexlover #caudexmania #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantenabler #plantaholics
πΈ Speerdistel πΈ
#hartvoorinheems (Englishπ)
Open deur: Speerdistel is best geliefd bij hommels... De bloemen zijn erg rijk aan nectar namelijk. De hommels zijn lekker lang bezig op het grote bloemhoofd waardoor het goed lukt een foto te maken π
Hoewel voor insecten Speerdistel een aanwinst is, zijn dijkbeheerders er niet zo blij mee: onder de grote rozet groeit geen gras en de lange penwortel kan de zode van de dijk los en broos maken.
Overigens wordt er de komende twee jaar meer onderzoek gedaan naar het groeien van wilde planten op dijken, een samenwerking van de RU en de WUR. Wat zou het een verbetering zijn voor de insecten als al onze dijken begroeit raken met wilde planten én de dijken daar nog steviger van worden ook! π€π€π€
Met dank aan @nilsvanrooijen voor ID en info.
π Wil jij meer inheemse planten in je tuin of op je balkon?
- Ga naar een open dag van de kwekerij van Stichting @nlbloeit
- Bestel gifvrije planten bij @kwekerijdeheliant
- Bestel gifvrij zaad bij @cruydthoeck
English: A Spear thistle with 5 bumblebees! Spear thistles contain a lot of nectar, which makes them popular with various insects. However, they can pose a threat when growing on dikes. More research is carried out though to see if/which wild plants can grow on dikes.
πΈπΈ Speerdistel - Cirsium vulgare
#bijenstichting #dagkoekoeksbloem #silene #silenedioica #wildeplanten #bijentuin #wildebloemen #bloementuin #spreadtheloveforflowers #spreadnaturelove #inheemsebloemen #tuininspiratie #sharingbeauty #reddewildebij #bloemenfotografie #biodiversity #bijenplanten #inheemseplanten #macrogardener #makrofotografie #plantcloseup #plantphotography #botanicphotography #botanicalphotography #samenvoormeerbiodiversiteit #wildflowersofinstagram #bloemen #wildforwildflowers
I know gnomes don't actually live here, but theme parc The Efteling kinda indoctrinated me as a kid so I really enjoy seeing fungi like this. And mind you, this is a tiny one! Swipe to see a nail for scale π
When I was a little kid, I had gummy-like puppets of David de Gnome, with red pointy hats, they were fantastic. Anyone else remember these??
#photography #macro #macrophotography #macroshot #macrolove #macroworld #instamacro #macrogram #macrogardener #makrofotografie #macrohappiness #my_daily_macro #explore_macro
#plantcloseup #plantphotography #botanicphotography #botanicalphotography
#nimmaplants #mushroomsofinsta
#fungi #fungilove #fungiphotography #fungifanatic #fungifreaks #fungilover #fantasticfungi #fungi_fan_club #fungilovers
Best wishes to all of you! Did you have a nice New year's Eve?
I thought I'd start the year with this cute little flower which kinda looks like fireworks if you squint your eyes π It's the flower of Mimosa pudica, or Touch-me-not (Kruidje-roer-me-niet). I'm not saying this is part of the upcoming article in Gardeners' World magazine, but I'm also not not saying it...
π±πΈ Touch me not plant - Mimosa pudica
#mimosa #mimosapudica #kruidjeroermeniet #flowers #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantenabler #plantaholics
Hoya doing? Are you excited for the holidays? Are you going to celebrate with family and friends, or rather curl up on the couch with a book or a puzzle? Either way, I hope you enjoy your time!
π±πΈ Hoya pubicalyx 'Silvery leaves'
#wonderfulweirdplants #nimmaplants #letitgrow #plantlife #greenisthenewblack #apartmenttherapy #greenery #plantcollector #talkplantytome #plantparenthood #plantstyling #happyplants #talkplantytome #plantsarefriends #plantcollection #nimmaplants #waxplant #thehoyacollective @thehoyacollective #hoyadayeveryday #ahoyaaday #hoyahead #myhoyaheaven #hoyadoing #greenery #indoorgarden #plantcollector #plantparenthood #plantstyling #happyplants #talkplantytome
We're in lockdown again and for some reason I thought this plant was fitting... π
How are you doing in this ongoing worldwide pandemic? Do you feel scared, sick or worried? I hope you are hanging in there nonetheless. Take care of yourself π€
π±πΈ Fuckea omikronii
#nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantenabler #plantaholics
Moving plants! Of course all plants move, but some do it much faster and for a variety of reasons. The latest article in Garderners’ World of @rogiervanvugt and me is about these fascinating plants.
The two photos show Oxalis triangularis during day and at night, when it closes its leaves. It’s similar to what calatheas and maranthas do. Check out my youtube playlist on moving plants:
π±πΈ Oxalis triangularis
#oxalis #oxalistriangularis #timelapse #timelapsevideo #nimmaplants #wonderfulweirdplants #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantnerd #plantsathome #botanica #happyplants #indoorgardening #apartmentbotanist #theplantedgram #plantlove #houseofplants #plantsinfocus #houseplants #plantdesign #indoorplants #urbanjungle #lifewithplants #houseplantclub #house_plant_community #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #plantenabler #plantaholics
Just take some time to look at those leaves. They are very blue (hence the common name) and very spiky (hence the scientific name: 'horridus' means prickly). Unfortunately, those sharp leaves did not protect it from world's most dangerous preditor called Homo sapiens. Wild populations are severely threathened because of the large amount of collectors. Luckily, this species is now also cultivated, so no need to roam around South-Africa: just buy one if you like it.
π±πΈ Eastern cape blue cycad - Encephalartos horridus
This species and the info is in @hortusamsterdam
The difference in colour on this one is amazing. I promise you it is one plant! π
π±πΈ Begonia 'autumn ember'
#greenhome #mywildernis #instaplant #greenspace #plantsarefriends #greenthumb #plantaddict #jungalow #letitgrow #indoorjungle #greenyourfeed #livingwithplants #plantlover #plantas #indoorgarden #plantenabler #plantlife #greenisthenewblack #apartmenttherapy #greenery #indoorgarden #plantcollector #plantparenthood #plantstyling #happyplants #talkplantytome #plantsarefriends #plantcollection #soiledplanties
Maybe this doesn't seem like a lot to you, but it does to me. This is a caudex plant, so a plant with a woody bulb. I've grown this one from seed and it's now 3 years old. I've potted up the woody bulb above ground, as is ofen common with caudex plants: it gives them their weird and unique look. Every once in a while it starts producing leaves, every time a bit more. One day, this will be a giant caudex with very bushy leaves!!
π±πΈ Dioscorea hemicrypta
πΈ Gele kamille πΈ
#hartvoorinheems (Englishπ)
Gele kamille is een twee- of meerjarige plant die 25 tot 70cm wordt en mooi bossig kan groeien. Het is daarom een heel geschikte plant in de tuin. Ze zaait zichzelf weer uit zonder dat ze woekert. Ze houdt van een zonnige plek!
Feitje: Gele kamille is géén familie van de Echte kamille, het kruid waar we wel eens thee van drinken.
De bij is een Wormkruidbij, Zuidelijke zijdebij of Duinzijdebij.
π Wil je deze plant in je tuin of op je balkon?
- Ga naar een open dag van de kwekerij van Stichting NL Bloeit @nlbloeit
- Bestel online bij Kwekerij De Heliant @kwekerijdeheliant
- Bestel zaad bij Cruijdt-Hoeck @cruydthoeck
English: Yellow chamomile is a biennial or perennial plant that grows 25 to 70cm and can grow into a nice bush. It is therefore a very suitable plant in the garden. Fact: Yellow chamomile is not related to Wild chamomile, the herb we sometimes drink tea from.
πΈπΈ Gele kamille - Anthemis tinctoria
So many leaves on the way! Not sure what the dark spots are though. I keep this one outside for the greater part of the year. And since I'm living in The Netherlands, it's getting quite some water now and then...
π±πΈ Echeveria Perle von nurnberg
It's autumn, so it's time for this beautiful Begonia 'autumn ember' again π
Unfortunately, this one died in the Great Begonia Massacre in 2020. I should make a Wikipedia page for that. It was massive.
π±πΈ Begonia 'autumn ember'
Big juicy melons!!
I'm in an improv group called 'the holy melon', because in the beginning, we had some scenes where a decorative pumpkin was some kind of holy thing, and one person called it a melon. No idea why π
I've been swapping a lot of plant cuttings with our trainer so when she stopped, we hád to give her a Peperomia watermelon! Did I take cuttings before giving it away? I'm surprised you even ask...
Btw I took this photo in @burgerszoo , my cuttins aren't that big yet π
π±πΈ Peperomia watermelon
It's incredible how diverse the Euphorbia family is! This fattie is part of it as well. I can't imagine how old it is: it must be growing quite slow, right?
π±πΈ Euphorbia obesa
This is the other variety of the complete silver one I shared a while back. At least there's some chlorofyl visible in this one! The diversity of hoya leaves gets me every time, all are beautiful in their own way. Though some are a bit more beautiful than others. Yes, I said it.
π±πΈ Hoya krohniana
My trolley from a different angle! Showing my giant ric rac cactus and the bronze sculpture my mom made (the bird). In the back you see our 'ixxi', the Girl with the Pearl Earring in pixel form π
π±πΈ Ric rac cactus & others - Epiphyllum anguliger
Mesmerised by orchids... If you collaborate with @rogiervanvugt , sooner or later you have to do something with orchids. It's inevitable. Rogier surely got me interested in orchids again, so I was happy to write an article in Gardeners' World magazine NL with him about these interesting beauties. In stores now in NL&B.
This photo also has a funny story behind it: these orchids are in a room at @hortusleiden where every few minutes, nebula is spread to increase humidity. We thought this could give a nice touch to the photos. Luckily, photographer Petra thought otherwise and also took photos without it, like this one. The others, well, it looked more like 'gorillas in the mist' π€
Another downside of the fog was me having to clean my glasses every time...
In the end, this was the best photo. I look a bit too focused but I promise you, it was even worse in other photos. Like I was trying to move the orchid telepathically π
π±πΈ Lots of orchids!
Grown from seed! This plant forms a little bulb and even though they're only a few months old, you can already see it forming. You also see 2 types of roots: the long, thin one, digging deep into the soil, and the smaller thick ones. It's less visible with the others (swipe).
π±πΈ Climbing sea onion plant ('vitrageplant') - Bowiea volubilis
Some pictures of one of the greenhouses of @hortusleiden . The real big plants are growing here! It's always impressive (but also a bit depressing) to see how big your 'house plants' can get when they get the right conditions!
π±πΈ Many π
Grown from a single leaf! That's so much fun about these begonias: one leaf gives a new plant! You just need some patience (for some people, that might be a problem π)
π±πΈ Begonia ??
I'm not a fan of spines, so I don't have many cacti, but I do like to see them! For instance in a botanical garden, like the one in Valencia where I took this picture a while back. Sometimes when I look at a large area of cacti, I imagine what it must feel like to fall onto them. A thought like that just enters my mind. Relatable to anyone?
π±πΈ no name cacti π
A very common succulent, yet the purple colour is beautiful, don't you think? This one is doing great outside during summer! And even in autumn: I'm often a bit late with getting it inside again π (It's still outside as we speakπ)
Do you keep succulents outside?
π±πΈ Echeveria "perle von nürnberg"
Have you dug up all your caladiums yet? Have you stored them correctly? I did: in the TRASH!!! Done with caladiums. The first year, they were gorgeous. Like this White Christmas. When digging them up (and I had A LOT!!), all of them had become many small bulbs instead of a bigger original bulb. Nevertheless I stored them and planted them the next year. Only two kinds of caladiums came up (I had 6 or 7 varieties), both with very, very small leaves. Makes sense. Also, they were not happy. Didn't care where I put them. So I'm done with them. I have one red caladium left that has stayed the same over winter: I did not dig it up, I just kinda kept it alive. It's super small and doing great. That one can stay, the rest is gone.
π±πΈ Caladium "White Christmas"
We all have that one plant that doesn't care whether it's summer or winter, hot or cold, light or dark: it just keeps growing. The plant version of Dory: πΆ"just keep growing, just keep growing"πΆ
I guess it needed a repot 2 years ago and a decent trellis about 4 years ago... next spring I really, really, really will do it! Do you have a plant like that? One that really doesn't care about anything?
π±πΈ Philodendron squamiferum
Succulents are so cool! With many of them, you can just take a leaf, leave it somewhere and it'll grow roots, just like this one. There's no need for watering: all that comes from the thick leaf itself. It will probably even start to form a new plant right at the spot where the roots come out. Only when the original leaf is starting to shrink, you will need to water it: spray the roots a little or decide to grow it in an airy soil mixture.
π±πΈ Echeveria
A beautiful hoya (or dischidia?) I came across at @hortusleiden Would've loved to take some cuttings in their hoya/dischidia greenhouse, they have some real beauties!! (I didn't though, no worries @rogiervanvugt π)
π±πΈ π€·βοΈ
How cute is this?? And I don't mean just the pot. This is a tiny seedling from Stephania kaweesakii. I got a seed from @rogiervanvugt in July and it germinated very fast and is already showing the beautiful round leaves! It will be a while before you will clearly see its caudex (woody bulb), though the stem ís thickening!!
It takes a while to grow caudex plants from seed, but it is very rewarding, I can recommend it!
π±πΈ Stephania kaweesakii a.k.a. Stephania nova
It looks like medieval weaponry but it's part of a plant, I promise! I just don't remember which plant... π
@rinkeluijten I took this pic in Burger's Zoo, do you recognize it??
π±πΈ ?
Damn, it's so pretty....
I'm sorry to say this one is not doing well. Just before my holiday, I was kinda stressed and I still had to water all my plants. I accidently fed this one acetic acid and let's just say: don't do that. It's getting even worse than it already was. This is about the last nice leaf it had, taken a few weeks (okay, months) ago...
π±πΈ Dieffenbachia reflector
Four big ones in a tub! Which of these four is still alive to this day, do you think? Let me know! Winner gets πΆ AN ETERNAL FLAAAAAAAAAME!!* πΆ Oh no wait, I meant 'eternal fame'.
* Yes, I'm thát old. Shut up.
π±πΈ Left to right: Calathea lancifolia, Ficus lyrata, Monstera standleyana, Monstera deliciosa
Yesss!! The latest Gardeners' World NL is in stores now, go get it and read about Rogier & me discussing succulents, those wonderful weirdos π
A little backstory to this photo: first, we had to clean the window. (As it turns out, Rogier does not clean his office windows very often π) Next, we had to remove a pile of tiles that was outside, in front of this window. Finally, we had to crouch, because this window is not at eye-height. No problem for Rogier, since he was dressed like summer in Siberia (check that sweater! It was mid July for crying out loud!), but I myself was wearing a short skirt and bricks are not a good feeling on your bare knees. Yes, I have a new found respect for models!
Also for photographers by the way, because she (Petra Sonius) had to do some work afterwords as well, especially this one because an electric wire was hanging there which we couldn't remove π
She did fantastic work and let's face it: so did Rogier and I. We're naturals, right?? π€£
π±πΈ @rogiervanvugt myself and a lot of succulents
This is one of the plant who's new leaves I'd like to bite. Why? Not sure, probably because I think it will sound like a real crispy leaf of lettuce when you bite . Apparently, I like that π€·βοΈ
Besides looking bitable (wouldn't say edible), this alocasia is also a real easy-going plant. Do you have alocasias?
π±πΈ Alocasia 'Nairobi nights'
How on earth do you photosynthesize with all that bling??
I bought a Hoya krohniana online a few months back. It was a bit expensive but okay. However, I got 3 little plants. I am still not sure if this was meant, but the price was suddenly a lot more decent π 2 of the plants had regular silver splash, however, one of them was almost completely silver. That's this one. It's been doing well so far but to be safe, I'm giving it a lot of light!
π±πΈ Hoya krohniana
This is one of the few, no maybe even the only plant my bf saw at someone elses place of which he said, voluntarily, no pressure at all, no manipulation, "This plant is nice". Needless to say I rushed to get it.
π±πΈ Aeonium arboreum var. atropurpureum ''Schwarzkopf''
Heb jij ook hart voor onze inheemse planten? Doe dan mee met deze winactie! Je maakt kans op een prachtig pakket met zaadjes van inheemse planten, zoals:
Bolderik | Ruige klaproos | Prachtanjer | Zeepkruid
π± Deze zaden zijn vers geoogst door mijzelf en Stichting @nlbloeit . Je kunt ze het beste in het najaar zaaien, in de volle grond of in een pot voor op je balkon. Al deze planten staan graag op een zonnig plekje!
πΈ Stichting @nlbloeit wil samen investeren in een duurzame en veerkrachtige leefomgeving voor flora, fauna en mensen. Dit doen ze bv. door plekken waar weinig soorten bloemen groeien ("monocultuur") om te toveren in kruiden- en faunarijke bloemenweides, bestaande gezonde bloemenweides en plantengemeenschappen te herstellen en duurzaam te beheren en de biodoversiteit in steden te verhogen m.b.v. de aanplant van inheemse planten en bomen. Kijk voor meer informatie op hun website: of de link in hun bio.
β‘οΈ Hoe doe je mee?
- Like dit bericht
- Laat een reactie achter
- Optioneel: volg stichting @nlbloeit natuurlijk π
π Wil je dit delen? Superlief! Tag gerust je vrienden die dit ook interessant vinden en/of deel dit in je stories. We zijn je dankbaar π
Deze actie loopt tot vrijdag 29 oktober. Kort daarna maak ik de winnaars via instagram bekend. Verzending binnen Nederland. Deze actie is op geen enkele wijze geaffilieerd met Instagram.
You have to look carefully to see them, but the dents in the leaves is what makes this hoya fascinating. And maybe the flowers as well, I wouldn't know π Though it's growing easily and steadily, there's never been a sigh of peduncles.
π±πΈ Hoya "Krinkle 8"
When I was younger* I thought wax plants were very difficult to handle. Turns out... I am just really really good!! Kidding, most hoyas are very easy and that's part of why I like them.
*like, 5 or 6 years ago
This hoya has been rooting fine in seramis as you can see. I love how the roots have clinged to the tiny clay pebbles.
π±πΈ Hoa pubicalyx 'silvery leaves'
πΈ Bolderik - Agrostemma githago
#hartvoorinheems (Englishπ)
~Meer weten over inheems & waarom ik dit post? Link in bio ~
De combinatie van puntige kelkbladeren en stompe kroonbladeren maken de bloemen extra mooi. Deze eenjarige wordt 20-100 cm hoog. Helaas is ze door intensieve akkerbouw sterk achteruitgegaan.
Interessant feitje: Bolderik was lang een 'graanonkruid'. Het is echter een zeer giftige plant, en als vroeger niet goed opgelet werd bij het oogsten en opschonen, werden de zaden mee vermalen in het meel, waardoor mensen ernstige gezondheidsklachten kregen!
π Bolderik in je tuin of balkon? Hou mijn profiel in de gaten, er komt een giveaway aan βΊοΈ Kun je niet wachten? Koop dan alvast gifvrije zaadjes, bijvoorbeeld bij:
- @cruydthoeck
- @bijenstichting verkoopt zadenmengsel waar Bolderik onderdeel van is.
Nu is de perfecte tijd om inheemse planten te zaaien!
English: the Common corn-cockle is an anual flowering plant which is actually toxic. It used to grow between wheat so when cleaning up was not properly done, people for seriously ill from the bread!
πΈπΈ Bolderik - Agrostemma githago
Did any of you read the blog of @plantcircle or post from @rogiervanvugt on how all Stephanias are probably poached? π Definitely recommend reading it!
Luckily, a lot of caudex plants can be grown from seed. Yes, it takes a long time for them to grow big, but it's so much fun! I'll share some of my "seedlings" later on. I did not grow the Stephania on this photo myself, but I hope to obtain seeds from it some day! π
π±πΈ Stephania erecta
Check this weird Rapunzel! It looks like Medusa's head. I've never seen a flower like this, with what look like curled up petals. I didn't dare touching it; I only saw 2 of them during my trip so I wouldn't want to harm one. Also, it was freezing cold where I found it so I felt like moving on after a while π€
πΊπΈ Hemispheric Rapunzel (Halfbolvormige Rapunzel) - Phyteuma hemisphaericum
An autumn flowering crocus in the plateau de la Larri, a high 'valley' in the Pyrenees. It was a wonderful hike to a waterfall and a forest, to finally end up in this plain, where wind was gushing and cows were chilling in the back.
I see these crocuses a lot in the mountains over here. Good to still see some flowers, since I've also spotted quite some (very small!) solitary bees.
Though we originally planned to go south to further explore the province of Aragón (Spain) we decided to stay in the Pyrenees a bit longer. It's just so beautiful!
πΊπΈ Crocus nudiflorus
A male Red-tailed bumblebee on a dahlia! Many dahlias are cultivated in a manner that they are useless to bees. It's because they have 'filled' or 'double' flowers: bees and other pollinators cannot get to the pollen and nectar (if a species even still has them: in the cultivation process, those things aren't important!). So if you like dahlia's (or any other flowers) in your garden, be sure to (also) get open, single flowered ones. And poison free please! (Note: "bee-friendly" doesn't mean squat!!! Plants often still contain insecticides. Europeans: watch for the Skal-logo (green with white leaf, indicating organic quality mark)
ππΈ red-tailed bumblebee (Steenhommel) - Bombus lapidarius on a dahlia flower I got from the @bijenstichting
Up close Scindapsus pictus. Just a very easy hanging plant that's indesctructible. Did you know I got this plant by asking for a cutting at my local @yoghurtbarn shop? They were very kind to hand me a pair of scissors π
π±πΈ Scindapsus pictus
What a beauty! I know absolutely nothing about fungi, anyone here who knows which one it is? Obsidenty couldn't help me, Google thought Corrinarius iodes. Anyway, I loved it. Swipe to see it's head from above!
To see more fungi, check my stories!
This plant gets its name, Scorpion tail, from the fact that the flowers unfurl like a scorpion tail. So no worries, it's not poisonous! In fact on the Netherlands Antilles, it was actually used against icterus (geelzucht).
Picture taken in the @hortusamsterdam a while back.
π±πΈ Scorpion tail - Heliotropium angiospermum Murray
It seems innocent, but swipe for a close-up π
Now go do it!!
π±πΈ Spider plant, Thanksgiving cactus, Ceropegia woodii, Sansevieria 'mikado' & Scindapsus pictus.
I'm looking for a male Euphorbia! I'd love to pollinate mine when it's flowering again (this is an old pic). These plants are dioecious, meaning one plant only has either male of female flowers. When one plant has both, it's called monoecious.
I had hoped @the_plant_diaries bought a male so we could plan a plant sex date, but she's got a female as well! We could still plan a plant sex date but you know: I want seeds!! π
π±πΈ Euphorbia obesa
Meet my very emotional hoya flower... Luckily, her tears taste sweet! Have you ever tried the nectar of your plants? I did. Hoya nectar is quite watery, whereas the nectar from my Philodendron squamiferum is very sticky. The latter excretes its nectar from extrafloral nectaries in order to attract helpful bugs. This flower is trying to attract little moths I think.
For those who are not familiar with hoya flowers: these are really small, about 5mm.
π±πΈ Flower of Hoya mathilde
Hmm, what to think of variegated plants... For Gardeners' World magazine, @rogiervanvugt and I wrote about these plants "with a flaw". And the issue is out now!! Dutchies & Belgians can get it in stores.
How do you feel about variegated plants? Rogier & I are still not sure π
π±πΈ Monstera adansonii variegata, photo by Petra Sonius
Talk about inner monstera hole goals! This plant is living the good life in Jardín de Monforte in Valencia, Spain. It's been a while since I was in that city, unfortunately. Buuuut no need to complain because soon I will be in Spain again, in a whole new area (for me) and I'm sure that will be fantastic as well. Spain has a lot more to offer than just the south coast where people go to party and sunbathe. It's a lovely country and I'm always happy to practise my Spanish language π
π±πΈ Monstera deliciosa
πΈ Gewone rolklaver - Lotus corniculatus
#hartvoorinheems (Englishπ)
~Meer weten over inheems & waarom ik dit post? Link in bio ~
Niet alleen een topper voor solitaire bijen, maar ook voor veel dagvlinders! Bijen lijken de bloemen alleen te bezoeken voor de nectar. Onder andere verschillende metselbijen, behangersbijen en wol- en harsbijen vliegen op deze gele bloemen.
Het plantje blijft laag, tussen de 5 en 25cm. Mooi om te zien is dat de bloemknoppen rood zijn maar de bloem uiteindelijk wel geel.
π Hij komt nogal eens aanwaaien. Op mijn dakterras, negenhoog, is 'ie ook beland π Maar anders kun je altijd hier terecht:
- Zaadjes bij @cruydthoeck
- Plantjes bij @kwekerijdeheliant
- @bijenstichting verkoopt inheems insectenmengsel waar 'ie in zit
English: such an important plant for both bees as well as butterflies! Sometimes it just appears in your garden, but it's a good one to sow if you don't have it.
πΈπΈ Rolklaver - Lotus corniculatus
Best caladium ever! Not just because of this fantastic red colour, but also... it's still alive. And that's kind of a big pro for a plant, right??
There are a lot of gorgeous caladiums, obviously. Do you have one?
π±πΈ Caladium red hybrid
Jurassic parc vibes!! How old were you when you watched that movie (the first one)? I was 11 and I found it scary but so cool. Especially the scene with the water in the glasses... π± And of course the toilet scene, epic!! Do you remember?
π±πΈ Asparagus fern - Asparagus plumosus
Throwback thursday! Some plants are still alive and some.... not so much π
π±πΈ Philodendron squamiferum, Scindapsus pictus, Monstera adansonii and many more
Last week I shared an old photo which pictured a very small Philodendron on the piano in the back. This is it now... One of the easiest plants I have, keeps growing all year long and never has any pests (knock knock).
π±πΈ Philodendron "Red Baron"
Great pattern right? And an easy plant: you might not have guessed it, but it's a succulent-like plant, so it thrives on my underwatering π
π±πΈ Silver squill - Ledebouria socialis
I accidently broke off these fresh new leaves from my Hoya archboldiana π It happened while I tried to lead it on a trellis, since it seemed eager to climb. Apparently, hoyas aren't as flexible as I thought π€ I am now trying to root it in Pon, let's see how that works out! Ever tried that? And, anyone with a Hoya archboldiana around?
π± πΈ Hoya archboldiana
One of the funniest looking flowers!
Any idea how to let this plant survive winter in The Netherlands? Treat it like a houseplant?
πΈπΈ Lady slippers / Pantoffelplant - Calceolaria hybrid